Meet the Vendors: Veluxe

Veluxe is the premiere on-demand beauty and fitness service app sending our team of vetted industry experts directly to your doorstep, so that you can experience their speciality services in the comfort of your own home. What can parents expect to see at the Biggest Baby Shower? We will have our beauty and fitness experts … Continued

Bonding at the Barre

I’ve been struggling to find my fitness niche for the past few years. I went from Flywheel to Crossfit to Physique 57…I realized that I enjoyed all of these (expensive) boutique fitness options and found my home recently at Equinox (as a third time member!). Equinox offers classes that I only dreamt about in one … Continued

2015 Father’s Day Gift Guide

Beco Gemini Baby Carrier Let dad take his little one on all of his adventures with the Beco Gemini Baby Carrier. We love their new stylish Scribble pattern.The Gemini baby carrier allows dad to wear his baby in four different ways: forward facing, facing in, hip carry, or on his back. The carrier holds the … Continued

Huge Steps Forward Can Bring Meltdowns

The Dad Network axioms are ‘dad-hood’ proverbs. They pinpoint key principles of dad-hood and refine them down to unforgettable soundbites of wisdom that can be called upon instantly to inform a critical decision. And, as we all know, being a dad is full of critical decisions! I like to keep fit. I like to run, cycle, … Continued

Yoga Poses for Expecting Moms

Pregnancy is a very transformative time in a woman’s life, both mentally and physically. It’s a busy time – filled with doctor’s appointments, anxiety, excitement, fatigue, new aches and pains, and a rapidly growing belly and shifting center of mass. It’s a period when balance, both mentally and physically, becomes difficult. I found that keeping … Continued

KEEPING the Winter Weight OFF

Ok, so you said you wouldn’t let it happen again this year, but those extra holiday inches found their way to your waist. An extra drink here, a few meals out there, a few bites of treats around the office: It all added up! Now it’s the New Year: You are focused, dedicated, sick of … Continued