Why We’re Opting Out of the Overscheduling Competition

When the conversation inevitably turns to a detailed rundown of all their children’s activities, sports, and lessons, I nod my head in what I hope is a sign of empathy and understanding. But the truth is, I don’t chime in on those conversations, because my kids aren’t in any activities of any kind.

Dad’s Don’t Babysit. We Parent

When I get home at the end of a long work day, and my wife is at her wit’s end because the kids have not stopped fighting, I’m not there to “help with the kids.” I’m there to parent.

Yes, We’re Going to Marriage Counseling

I know that marriage counseling carries with it a stigma. But the reality is that a marriage is a legal, permanent partnership between two completely imperfect people, complete with several decades’ worth of hurts, baggage, and failures, so I’d recommend counseling to anyone who’s been married longer than five minutes.